Build Generational Wealth With Capitalist Exploits Insider

Capitalist Exploits gives you access to the personal investments of hedge managers looking for 300% returns. Get my special 40% discount by clicking below:

I've Reviewed 100+ Stock Picking Services..

I'm an expert in passive income.

In the past few years I've turned $50 into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I make a full time living from my passive income streams.

Investing is one the simplest and easiest ways to build up your wealth passively.

However, the stock picking industry is filled with sleezy characters, deceit and broken promises. 

I started reviewing stock picking services to help investors avoid scams and low quality products.

In this time I've reviewed all the top investing newsletters.

I've become intimately familiar with all the tricks these stock picking gurus use.

After reviewing 100+ of these services I've come to a simple conclusion:

Stock pickers only care about squeezing every dime they can out of you.

They use outrageous marketing to do this and promise massive returns they rarely deliver on.

Naïve customers end up spending thousands of dollars on low quality products and losing money on crummy stock picks.

However, there's one place that doesn't use these underhanded sales tactics AND delivers high quality stock picks.

That place is Capitalist Exploits Insider.

You see the people at Capitalist Exploits aren't just stock pickers - they're hedge fund managers.

This means if YOU don't succeed they'll lose their business.

Insider gives you access to all of their research and investments (the exact ones they use for their hedge fund).

There's no gimmick marketing at Insider and there's THOUSANDS of happy customers:.

The following reviews are from a third party review site:

Overall Insider has an incredible 4.9/5 star rating at Trustpilot.

Again, I've reviewed 100+ stock picking services and have never seen so many pleased customers.

But there is one downside to Capitalist Exploits Insider..

It's pretty pricey at $2499.

HOWEVER, I worked out a deal with Capitalist Exploits and my readers get a MASSIVE 40% discount on Insider.

So you can try Insider for just $1499 which is an incredible deal.

With this you get:

  • Portfolio with 60+ assets
  • Weekly newsletter 
  • Community Forum
  • Alerts 
  • Live Q&A's
  • Investing education

And best of all you get a 30 day money back guarantee. So there's literally no risk in trying Insider.

If you're ready to build your winning portfolio, click below to check it out:

The Insider Investment Strategy Explained

The Insider investing strategy focuses on stocks with a minimum 300% return possibility.

This means focusing on stocks with low risk and big upside.

To do this they avoid high risk investments like startups, pot stocks, cryptos and growth stocks.

Also, low reward stocks you'd find on the S&P 500 won't be recommended either.

Instead Insider focuses on high quality stocks in sectors which are about to see a bull run.

The focus on sectors instead of individual stocks greatly reduces risk.

Here's some of the sectors Insider likes to target:

  • Mining and rare earth (copper, gold, etc.)
  • Shipping 
  • Energy
  • Natural gas
  • Agriculture

And things of that nature - in total Insider focuses on 12 different sectors.

The best part is the investments are all long term.

This is much better than trying to make quick profits with the stock market.

Additionally, it's less stressful to focus on long term investments. 

The results have been fantastic with Insider out performing global stocks:

You know what's even more impressive?

Despite stocks getting PUMMELED this year they still have positive returns:

Now you know why customers are saying stuff like this about Insider:

I don't recommend 95% of the stock services I come across.. most are just too low quality.

Insider is too good not to recommend, though.

If you're looking to beat the market with smart investments and to profit while everyone else is losing, click below to get started:

Meet The Editors At Insider

Chris MaCintosh

Insider Editor

Raised in Southern Africa, Chris has since lived and invested from 7 different countries. After a career at top tier investment banks such as JPM, Lehman, Robert Flemmings, and Invesco, Chris became tired of corporate life, and has since built and sold multiple million dollar companies, overseen $35 million into venture capital, all the while investing full time, and managing his own and private client wealth.

Brad McFadden

Insider Editor

After managing high net worth private client funds at Henry Ansbacher, and a proprietary trading book for Rand Merchant Bank in South Africa and Australia, Brad's specialty is in executing strategies to achieve the asymmetric payoffs for any given thesis, and works with Chris in identifying opportunities across the world's different markets and asset classes and how best to execute them.

Here's What You Get With Insider

Insider gives you access to the personal investments of hedge fund managers looking to protect their capital and profit during these extraordinary times and long into the future.

You get all their research, and guidance on how to position your capital from professional money managers whose only objective is investing for 3x – 100x + returns, with minimal risk, in the years ahead.

Here's an overview of what you get:

Over 60 Buy Rated Investments

You'll have an entire model portfolio to copy the second you sign up

12 Different Sectors

There's plenty of diversity in the portfolio to keep your investments safe

Weekly Newsletter

Once a week you'll receive the Insider Newsletter that outlines what's happening in the market and how to profit from it.

Live Q&A's

Over 1000 questions have been answered live with the Q&A's.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you're not 100% satisfied with Insider you can get a full refund.

I've Never Seen Customer Reviews This Good!

I've been reviewing stock picking services for years now.

Insider gets the best customer reviews BY FAR.

It's actually incredible how many customer love this product.

Here's just a taste of what happy customers have said recently about Insider (remember these reviews are from a 3rd party website called Trustpilot - these aren't cherry picked reviews from Insider):

Don't Miss This Opportunity!

I can fully understand if you're skeptical about buying Insider.

The stock picking industry is so shady and attracts REALLY bad characters.

Trust me, I've been exposing these losers for years now and many have threatened to sue me.

Every time I learn about a new stock picking service I go in with a skeptical view.

It's up to the people running the service to convince me they're not a bunch of scammers.

Most stock pickers fail to convince me they're legit.

This isn't the case with Insider, though.

I truly love what the folks over at Insider are doing - they've brought legitimacy back to stock picking.

They're not going to send you goofy sales presentations about a super secret stock that only they know about..

Or make promises they can't keep.

This is a straight forward stock picking service that delivers high quality stocks and market commentary to their customers.

The lead editors are trustworthy and most of all they get high returns.

Insider is by far my favorite stock picking service and I highly recommend you join.

If you're not happy you can get your money back, no questions asked.

So take advantage of the special deal I have with Capitalist Exploits by clicking below and get started for just $1499:
