Nomi Prins is out with a new presentation called The #1 Stock For America’s Great Distortion. She claims this company can make your money back 10 times over! Sounds good but there’s a problem.. Nomi won’t tell you the company name unless you buy her newsletter, The Distortion Report. Well I have good news! I was able to figure out the

Christian DeHaemer is out with a new stock presentation.. He’s hyping up a oil find in Guyana. Christian is claiming fortunes will be made here and he has 4 stock plays that revolve around it. The bad news? You only get to see the stocks if you buy his newsletter. The good news? He left behind plenty of clues to figure

Luke Lango is out with a new stock teaser.. this time he’s pitching something he calls “The Trillion Dollar Phone Call.” He claims “just days from now a single phone call could make history and unleash over $10 trillion in brand new wealth.” There’s one problem, though.. he doesn’t release the name of the stock unless you

Jeff Siegel is running a stock presentation hyping up a company with “solar window” technology. This isn’t a new presentation, though.. In fact, Jeff has been hyping up this mystery company for over 10 years now. Unfortunately, Jeff doesn’t tell you the name of the stock he’s teasing BUT that’s not a problem. There’s enough clues to figure it

Just got an email from Whitney Tilson where he hypes up something he calls “The Perfect Portfolio.” In this portfolio is “America’s #1 Retirement Stock” and three “Tech Titan” stocks. Whitney goes as far to say he’d put “50% of his kid’s college fund” into these stocks. Hmm… sounds interesting. There’s one problem, though.. Whitney won’t tell you most

LiDAR stocks are becoming increasingly popular and many companies specializing in this technology have gone public recently. I review a lot of investing newsletters and many stock pickers are pushing these stocks heavily. If you’re interested in investing I created this guide to show you the best LiDAR stocks. Many of these companies range in stock price and

Matt McCall recently launched a stock presentation teasing a company in the V-Toll market. Apparently this company will help revolutionize flying taxis.. Sounds pretty interesting! But there’s one major downside to this presentation.. Matt won’t reveal the name of the company unless you buy his new newsletter called The McCall Report. No worries, though.. I took a look at the

Porter Stansberry is back and he just launched his new investing company called Porter And Company Research. He has a couple different subscription options already and they’re pretty pricey. Before spending thousands on these products I’m sure you want to know if they’re legit or a scam. We’ll answer that in this review. Below you’ll find everything you need

Hey, what’s going on? Today we’re going to be revealing a stock teased by Tim Plaehn from The Dividend Hunter. He claims this investment is his “#1 Buy, Hold, and Retire Tech Stock Of 2022.” Tim goes on to claim this stock allows you to “collect legal backdoor income from pre-IPO Silicon Valley Startups” and that “90% of
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